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姓名:衣博文 性别:女
学位:博士 职称:副教授
邮箱:yibowendufe@126.com 政治面貌:群众

1. Yi, B., Shi, D., Shi, F. and Zhang, L. (2021), Do the flipped impacts of hotels matter to the popularity of Airbnb? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33 (6), 2239-2263. (SSCI, 5-Year IF= 8.043)

2. Shi, D., Yi, B., Shi, F. and Satta. S. (2021). Motivation Configuration of Bluxury Tourism Behavior: An FsQCA Application. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 63(1), 33-47. (SSCI, 5-Year IF= 5.043)

3. Shi, D., Yi, B. and Zhang, B (2022), Travelling to an Unusual Destination: Chinese Tourists Preferences for Visiting North Korea. Current Issues in Tourism. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2022.2077179 (SSCI, 5-Year IF= 7.811)

4. Chang, W., Liu, A., Wang, X. and Yi, B. (2020), Meta-analysis of outcomes of leadermember exchange in hospitality and tourism: what does the past say about the future? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32 (6), 2155-2173. (SSCI, 5-Year IF= 8.043)

5. 史达,王乐乐,衣博文.在线评论有用性的深度数据挖掘——基于TripAdvisor的酒店评论数据[J].南开管理评论,2020,23(05):64-75.

6. 衣博文,史达.文化适应与文化认同:基于中国邮轮游客的行为研究[J].云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2021,38(02):19-29.

7. 史达,张冰超,衣博文.游客的目的地感知是如何形成的?——基于文本挖掘的探索性研究[J].旅游学刊,2022,37(03):68-82.